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Our Clients


Our clients serve members of the most food insecure groups in St. Louis. They connect us with our greater St. Louis community and work tirelessly to house, feed, and nurture those who need it most. Our entire mission is possible because of our clients' expertise, and we can't thank them enough for their immense role in our efforts to feed our community.

Peter and Paul Community Services
Peter and Paul provides housing and supportive services to persons who are homeless, especially those who experience mental illness or live with HIV. 85% of residents in their clinical transitional housing programs have successfully made the transition to a life of self-sufficiency and independence.
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Our Lady's Inn
Our Lady's Inn provides shelter and support for pregnant women and their children in their efforts to live healthy and productive lives, achieve educational goals, gain employment, and secure stable housing. They offer transitional housing, counseling services, and a Trauma Informed Care service delivery model.
St. Patrick Center
St. Patrick Center provides opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless through safe and affordable housing, mental and physical health services, and employment and financial stability. We cook for their Women's Night Program, which serves women struggling with homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse.
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